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G2P Network

A joint platform to share information on the modernization of Government-to-person payment systems using digital technology.

COVID-19: How Countries Can Use Digital Payments for Better, Quicker Cash Transfers

Online Event: Cash Transfers for COVID-19 in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Primary Education Stipends in Bangladesh: Do Mothers Prefer Digital Payments over Cash?

Using What You Have to Scale up Payments for COVID Response: Early Indications from South Asia

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Online Event: Cash Transfers for COVID-19 in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

  • Sarah Allen

This event will highlight cash transfers as a tool for response and development in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. While recognizing that no intervention is a silver bullet, panelists will explore the potential benefits and feasibility of massive scale-up of cash transfer and universal basic income (UBI) programs in LMICs and their value for the COVID-19 response; how LMIC governments, bilateral and international institutions, and other organizations can best utilize and support these programs; and how to ensure the programs are cost-effective and serving the communities, households, and individuals who need them most.