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G2P Network

A joint platform to share information on the modernization of Government-to-person payment systems using digital technology.

COVID-19: How Countries Can Use Digital Payments for Better, Quicker Cash Transfers

Online Event: Cash Transfers for COVID-19 in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Primary Education Stipends in Bangladesh: Do Mothers Prefer Digital Payments over Cash?

Using What You Have to Scale up Payments for COVID Response: Early Indications from South Asia

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Integration of Administrative Records for Social Protection Policies: Contributions from the Brazilian Experience

  • Letícia Bartholo, Joana Mostafa, and Rafael Guerreiro Osorio

Integrating information for the purpose of articulating social protection policies is hard work. It requires a combination of political will, capacity for institutional cooperation, software development and direct communication channels with citizens. Because of this complexity, countries that pursue this objective often cooperate to exchange knowledge, and the Brazilian Single Registry (Cadastro Único), the backbone of some 20 social protection programmes, is frequently cited as a successful example of integration....