Art Appraisal Blog

Category - Working Groups

Awareness, Communication, and Outreach Working Group

Will the Pandemic Exacerbate or Mitigate the Digital Gender Gap?

COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on women must be urgently addressed through the provision of digital financial literacy and access.

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Ensuring Women’s Inclusion in COVID-19 Payments’ Reach and Benefits

The COVID-19 Exclusion Working Group has focused its efforts on improving the design and deployment of emergency social assistance programs to make them work better for women.

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Awareness, Communication, and Outreach Working Group

Awareness, Communication, and Outreach for Social Protection Schemes during COVID-19

This report on awareness, communication, and outreach highlights the need for the integration of key communication components for effective implementation of social protection programs.

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Responsible Practices to Address Seven Major Risks in COVID-19 Digital Financial Transfers

The Report "Responsible Practices to Address Seven Major Risks in COVID-19 Digital Financial Transfers" identifies seven heightened risks resulting from the speed and scale of COVID-19 digital transfer responses.

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